Our projects
Check out a few of the most recent projects our team has been working on here or use the search bar below to find specific project examples.
Service Need and Opportunity Analysis: Karakan
The purpose of the project is to support Karakan to identify how it can most effectively and sustainably support people with mental health challenges in the South Brisbane/Logan region to have optimal opportunity for social and economic participation and independence.
Scoping a City Hub: Wesley Mission Queensland
The purpose of the project is to support Wesley Mission Queensland in scoping an innovative service response to meet the social and health needs of vulnerable people within the Brisbane CBD.
Development of a First 1000 Days Framework for Northern Queensland PHN.
We’ve been engaged to develop a First 1000 Days Framework in close partnership with the Better Health NQ Alliance. The project will result in the development of a framework that will be used to guide collaborative investment in programs and services targeted at the first 1000 days of life.
First Nations Alcohol and Other Drugs Program Co-Design: Drug ARM
The purpose of the project is to partner with Drug Arm to deliver an insightful co-design process that results in the development of a First Nations alcohol and other drug treatment program that meets the needs of service users, program staff and the broader organisation.
Organisational Impact Framework: Roses in the Ocean
The purpose of the project is to develop an organisational impact framework in collaboration with key staff at Roses in The Ocean and informed by the broader lived experience sector and community.
Evaluation and review of Commonwealth National Psychosocial Support Programs: Central and Eastern Sydney PHN
CESPHN has engaged Beacon Strategies to support them to undertake a review and evaluation of the two main psychosocial support services they commission under the Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program (CPSP): National Psychosocial Supports (NPS) and Continuity of Supports (CoS).