Scoping a City Hub: Wesley Mission Queensland

Status: Current - expected to be completed in 2022.

Client: Wesley Mission Queensland - 

Background: Wesley Mission Queensland is committed  to meeting the needs of vulnerable populations in the Brisbane CBD through the establishment and growth of a relevant suite of services.

As part of a 10-year strategy out to 2032, Wesley Mission Queensland (WMQ) is planning to grow its city-based services to create a suite of services to meet the changing needs within the CBD and 5km radius.

It is envisioned that over time (3 -5 years) there will be significant opportunity to grow this City Hub into a major city mission providing a broad range of services, programs and spaces to provide further opportunities to provide love, healing, justice and hope to all people struggling with hardship and disadvantage, experiences of isolation, exclusion and loneliness.

Approach: We are supporting Wesley Mission Queensland to scope a city hub through the delivery of 5 project phases:

  • Phase 1: commencement - we’ll establish a productive and trusted working relationship with key Wesley Mission Queensland staff and document our approach

  • Phase 2: needs analysis and policy scan - we’ll analyse available population needs data and reports as well as scan the policy environment to ensure the scoping project is underpinned by data and contemporary policy direction. 

  • Phase 3: gap analysis - we will map and engage with service providers to ensure that Wesley Mission Queensland aren’t unnecessarily duplicating existing programs and services. 

  • Phase 4: sense-making - we engage with key Wesley Mission Queensland staff and other desired staff members to make sense of project outcomes and look forward to ‘what could be’.

  • Phase 5: reporting and recommendations - we’ll compile, analyse and generate insight from each project phase that will be captured via a purposeful report that provides recommendations to key Wesley Mission Queensland staff regarding market entry.

Outcome: This project has only recently commenced, we will update this page throughout the course of the project with anything that could benefit the broader sector.

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