Our projects
Check out a few of the most recent projects our team has been working on here or use the search bar below to find specific project examples.
Project management support for CPL - Choice, Passion, Life
CPL required a lead consultant to help them develop an Inclusion Toolkit specifically for Queensland-based tourism and event businesses which would help them improve their inclusivity for people with disabilities.
Developing mental health system of care pathways for Brisbane North PHN
To help build out a suite of evidence-based care pathways, Brisbane North PHN engaged five expert-led agencies for selected priority conditions to work alongside Beacon Strategies…
National Consumer Journey Map for Epilepsy Smart Australia Pilot
Beacon Strategies worked in partnership with Epilepsy Smart Australia to conduct a National Consumer Journey Mapping project that would help their organisation provide better support to people with epilepsy.
Peer Worker Supervision and Management Framework for Empower Autism
We are supporting Empower Autism to develop a Peer Mentoring Program Risk and Oversight Framework to guide the safe and effective delivery of an innovative mentoring program. Empower is committed to the delivery of high-quality, effective services that improve the health and well-being of autistic people and those who care for them.
Co-design for social prescribing with Brisbane North PHN
Beacon Strategies was engaged by Brisbane North PHN to lead a co-design process to develop a social prescribing service model. The end product was a report and recommended service model that Brisbane North PHN would commission through a pilot project in Caboolture.
Co-design of an Integrated Mental Health Hub service model: Central and Eastern Sydney PHN
Beacon Strategies led a co-design process to design a service model and implementation guidelines for an Integrated Mental Health Hub for Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN).