Service design
We support organisations to collaboratively design programs and services based on the best available insight and that respond to the needs and expectations of local communities.
Using tools like theories of change and program logic models, we help to articulate the what, why, who, when and how for programs and services that make an impact.

Our service design experience
CPL required a lead consultant to help them develop an Inclusion Toolkit specifically for Queensland-based tourism and event businesses which would help them improve their inclusivity for people with disabilities.
To help build out a suite of evidence-based care pathways, Brisbane North PHN engaged five expert-led agencies for selected priority conditions to work alongside Beacon Strategies…
Beacon Strategies worked in partnership with Epilepsy Smart Australia to conduct a National Consumer Journey Mapping project that would help their organisation provide better support to people with epilepsy.
We are supporting Empower Autism to develop a Peer Mentoring Program Risk and Oversight Framework to guide the safe and effective delivery of an innovative mentoring program. Empower is committed to the delivery of high-quality, effective services that improve the health and well-being of autistic people and those who care for them.
Beacon Strategies was engaged by Brisbane North PHN to lead a co-design process to develop a social prescribing service model. The end product was a report and recommended service model that Brisbane North PHN would commission through a pilot project in Caboolture.
While 'care pathway' is a commonly used term, there are many different definitions and types of pathway that exist. We look at what a care pathway is, how to develop one and some case studies.
The term 'service model' can be ambiguous and means different things to different people. It could be a one-page infographic or a 100-page program manual. Let’s walk through the most common ones we see.
This blog is dedicated to developing a co-design project plan that offers a flexible framework for delivering your co-design project. It covers the three main elements necessary for your co-design project.
Beneath a carefully planned and executed co-design session lies a purposeful process designed to achieve specific results. Follow this step-by-step guide to develop your own co-design process.
Explore what co-design looks like in the PHN commissioning context when compared to the service provider context and understand how the Department of Health and Ageing has directed PHNs to use co-design. Plus several co-design toolkits for PHNs.
Want to find out more?
If you’re thinking about how to get the best outcome with your next service design process, we would love to chat about how we might be able to support you. You can contact us here.