Our projects
Check out a few of the most recent projects our team has been working on here or use the search bar below to find specific project examples.
Project management support for CPL - Choice, Passion, Life
CPL required a lead consultant to help them develop an Inclusion Toolkit specifically for Queensland-based tourism and event businesses which would help them improve their inclusivity for people with disabilities.
Review of Bribie Island After-Hours Pilot project
Beacon Strategies was approached by Brisbane North PHN to review the Bribie Island After-hours project. This included collecting stakeholder feedback, capturing lessons learnt and to informing future after-hours services delivered to the Bribie Island community.
Review of Community Suicide Prevention Service for Gold Coast PHN
GCPHN engaged Beacon Strategies to undertake a review of the Community Suicide Prevention Service that would inform GCPHN’s ongoing approach to suicide prevention services in the region.
Evaluation Workshop Series for Wesley Mission Queensland
Beacon Strategies partnered with Wesley Mission Queensland to help their team improve their evaluation skills by holding a number of interactive training sessions for their staff.
Developing mental health system of care pathways for Brisbane North PHN
To help build out a suite of evidence-based care pathways, Brisbane North PHN engaged five expert-led agencies for selected priority conditions to work alongside Beacon Strategies…
National Consumer Journey Map for Epilepsy Smart Australia Pilot
Beacon Strategies worked in partnership with Epilepsy Smart Australia to conduct a National Consumer Journey Mapping project that would help their organisation provide better support to people with epilepsy.