Development of a First 1000 Days Framework for Northern Queensland PHN.

Status: Complete - page updated April 2023

Client: Northern Queensland PHN

Partners: Better Health Northern Queensland Alliance including: Mackay HHS, Cairns and Hinterland HHS, North West HHS, Torres Strait and Cape HHS, Townsville HHS, Queensland Health, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council.


Northern Queensland PHN has engaged Beacon Strategies to support the development of an evidence-based First 1000 days of Life Framework for North Queensland (including via the facilitation of a co-design process with Better Health Northern Queensland Alliance members and key Northern Queensland Stakeholders).  The project will result in the development of a framework that will be used to guide collaborative investment in programs and services targeted at the first 1000 days of life - the most impactful time across the life course.


Our proposed approach to developing the framework and planning for effective implementation consists of the following project components:

  • establish arrangements for an appropriate governance mechanism to guide the delivery of the evaluation (project establishment)

  • understand the evidence base and strategic and operational environment (situational analysis)

  • identify the needs of communities and priority strategies to strengthen maternal and child health outcomes in North Queensland through stakeholder engagement and community consultation (stakeholder engagement)

  • develop an agreed, evidence-informed framework that outlines a coordinated set of activities to improve maternal and child health outcomes in North Queensland (framework development)

  • provide planning and implementation advice to NQPHN and its Better Health NQ Alliance partners to guide the rollout of the First 1000 Days of Life Framework across the North Queensland region (implementation planning). 

Our proposed approach will ensure we plan and manage each phase of the project in a systematic way, meaningfully involve relevant stakeholders, provide high-quality deliverables that contribute to the objectives stated above, and contribute process learnings to assist NQPHN in the continued implementation of the program. Our approach reflects several principles based on leading evidence into early childhood development including:

  • defining the first 1000 days of life as the critical period of development from conception to around age two, where the significance of biological and environmental factors profoundly impact a child’s long-term health, wellbeing and prosperity

  • leveraging the experiences of children, parents and families to highlight strengths and gaps of the supports available to promote positive health, wellbeing and developmental outcomes aligned to their needs and aspirations

  • applying a health equity lens to the consideration of relevant issues recognising the diversity of experiences and outcomes due to social and cultural gradients in communities, including focusing effort and resources where they are most needed

  • promoting collaboration and integration across key service systems such as education, health, child protection, disability and community development

  • recognising the role of culture as a source of resilience and wellbeing for First Nations children and families, while recognising the ongoing impacts of colonisation, racism and discrimination faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 


Northern Queensland's First 1,000 Days Framework has been finalised and published. The framework provides a regional framework to achieve Better Health North Queensland's vision that 'Northern Queenslanders will be as healthy as all Queenslanders.' The framework takes a life course approach and covers:

  • promoting good health in the pre-conception period

  • caring for mothers and families during pregnancy, birthing and the perinatal period

  • providing the best start to life for children up to 2 years

  • a set of system enablers required for effective maternal and child health services

The framework is currently in the process of being implemented by Better Health North Queensland. For more information and to access a copy of Northern Queensland's First 1,000 Days Framework, visit the Northern Queensland PHNs website.

We look forward to updating you regarding the outcomes of this project. In the meantime, head over to our health planning page where you can find our portfolio of similar work and related blogs:


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