Our projects
Check out a few of the most recent projects our team has been working on here or use the search bar below to find specific project examples.
Commissioning early intervention initiatives for Brisbane North PHN
We have been engaged by Brisbane North PHN to help commission early intervention initiatives that will support healthy ageing and ongoing management of chronic conditions.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy: West Moreton Health.
We supported West Moreton Health to develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy through consultation with the workforce, community and elders.
Service Need and Opportunity Analysis: Karakan
The purpose of the project is to support Karakan to identify how it can most effectively and sustainably support people with mental health challenges in the South Brisbane/Logan region to have optimal opportunity for social and economic participation and independence.
Development of a First 1000 Days Framework for Northern Queensland PHN.
We’ve been engaged to develop a First 1000 Days Framework in close partnership with the Better Health NQ Alliance. The project will result in the development of a framework that will be used to guide collaborative investment in programs and services targeted at the first 1000 days of life.
Local Area Needs Assessment Engagement Project: West Moreton HHS
This project will see Beacon Strategies leading and facilitating the engagement component of WMH’s LANA. The project will involve engagement with stakeholders, as well as collating and analysing existing data and resources to inform the development of an engagement summary report that identifies initial areas of need.
Torres and Cape Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan: Northern Queensland PHN
In line with NQPHN Strategic Objectives, indicators of need, and the commitment to Suicide Prevention action planning NQPHN commissioned Beacon Strategies to develop a Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan (SPCAP) for the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service area.