Our projects
Check out a few of the most recent projects our team has been working on here or use the search bar below to find specific project examples.
Review of Community Suicide Prevention Service
Beacon Strategies undertook a review of the Community Suicide Prevention Service commissioned by Gold Coast Primary Health Network, to explore the program’s outcomes and provide recommendations to inform future commissioning.
Alternatives to Emergency Departments: Roses in the Ocean
As part of the NSW Ministry of Health’s Towards Zero Suicides initiatives, Beacon Strategies is supporting Roses in the Ocean to facilitate local co-design processes for twenty new Alternatives to EDs / Safe Spaces services in each of the local health districts (LHDs) across NSW. Beacon Strategies’ role is to document the findings emerging from the co-design process and use this to support the LHD to establish the service. This project is currently underway and expected to be completed by mid-2021.
Client Journey Mapping for Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast
The Beacon Strategies team has been engaged by Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast (MCGCC) to deliver an insightful client journey mapping process that allows MCCGC to enhance the effectiveness of their service offering and deliver better outcomes for their clients.
Creating tools and resources to meet Mental Health Literacy needs for HNC
We are working alongside Healthy North Coast and a Lived Experience Panel to identify barriers and enablers to help-seeking, which will lead to the development of locally relevant tools and resources that meet identified mental health literacy needs, helping people to act early and promoting available supports.
First Nations Alcohol and Other Drugs Program Co-Design: Drug ARM
The purpose of the project is to partner with Drug Arm to deliver an insightful co-design process that results in the development of a First Nations alcohol and other drug treatment program that meets the needs of service users, program staff and the broader organisation.
Care Coordination Co-design: COORDINARE
The purpose of the Care Coordination Co-design Project was to rapidly research, co-design and frame a commissioning intent for a care coordination model of care for people with chronic and complex health conditions in South Eastern NSW PHN.