Service Model Redesign: Paradise Kids

Status: Project completed March 2020

Client: Wesley Mission Queensland


Beacon Strategies partnered with Wesley Mission Queensland for a project that redesigned the existing Paradise Kids service model, into an evidence-based, holistic and financially sustainable child and family service hub.


The purpose of the project was to redesign the existing Paradise Kids service model. The specific project objectives that guided Beacon Strategies consulting approach included:

  • Delivery of an evidence review and policy scan: available service models and the policy environment were scanned in two waves, allowing WMQ to be informed of options to redesign the evidence-based Paradise Kids service model.

  • Service model design: Following the endorsement of the preferred option, a public facing summary document was developed that ensured the service model could be easily communicated to funders, stakeholders and the community

  • Partnership and pathway scan: A scan was conducted of partnership and pathway opportunities for the redesigned Paradise Kids model that built on the existing identified strengths of the Paradise Kids referral network, and explored future options for partnering locally (e.g. in-reaching, referrals).

  • Funding and business model options: The need for a sustainable funding model was acknowledged and presented through potential investment scenarios compared to the current model.


This project saw Beacon Strategies utilise project findings to guide the collaborative development of an evidence-based child and family service model redesign which was presented back to Wesley Mission Queensland.

The final report outlined the key components of what the reimagined Paradise Kids service model should look like. The service model was presented with a dedicated focus on: guiding principles, desired outcomes, critical components for the service and service building blocks. Additionally, the final deliverable submitted to WMQ was inclusive of the next steps required to successfully implement the redesigned service model.

As a mission-based health and social services consultancy, Beacon Strategies is committed to partnering with NGOs to better plan, design, implement, evaluate and communicate their work in delivering health outcomes for local communities.


Senior Financial Protection Service Community Education: Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ)


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