Senior Financial Protection Service Community Education: Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ)
Status: Completed June 2020
Client: Relationships Australia Queensland
In response to the Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry into the financial abuse of older people, Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ) was awarded funding in 2019 to provide free and independent financial advice and education to seniors in several communities across Queensland to help prevent financial abuse.
Beacon Strategies was engaged by RAQ to support the planning and delivery of community education to help strengthen the financial literacy of seniors, build community awareness of recognising and responding to abuse, and to link people experiencing abuse to RAQ’s case management support.
While our original intent for the project involved mostly face-to-face community education through visits and workshops with community groups and local organisations, the implications of COVID-19 meant we were forced to adopt a primarily digital engagement strategy. Our digital engagement approach involved:
Establishing key messages based on leading evidence
Defining key target audiences
Outlining strategies and channels to reach the audience during COVID-19
Planning, producing and publishing content
Reviewing engagement performance
Throughout the initial few months of COVID-19, our team supported RAQ to use a range of digital approaches to engage with seniors and communities around the topic of elder abuse, including:
Paid and organic social media campaigns
Direct email marketing to local contacts
Online webinar for people working in community services
Local print and radio media opportunities coinciding with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Downloadable guides and fact sheets on key topics
Short YouTube videos
We recognised the heightened vulnerability of older people as a result of COVID-19, so we worked with RAQ to prioritise producing and publishing content quickly to help connect people with support as they needed it, as well as developed several pieces of content on topics specifically related to COVID-19.
Have a look at some of the resources and videos we produced throughout the project on the RAQ website at
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