Business development planning for the StandBy Response Service: United Synergies

Status: Completed September 2018

Client: United Synergies


StandBy is a Suicide Bereavement Response Service that provides a 24-hour coordinated community crisis response to families, friends and associates who have been bereaved through suicide. United Synergies administers the national StandBy service model via a network of service providers in 10 PHN regions across Australia.

United Synergies had a significant body of information developed over past years in relation to Standby and engaged Beacon Strategies to undertake a planning process for successful engagement with prospective funders into the future. Following the project, United Synergies was better informed to undertake targeted engagement with PHNs and other prospective funders across Australia, based on alignment between the value proposition of the StandBy service and the needs and priorities of funders.


The purpose of the project was to provide United Synergies with a clear path forward for successful engagement with a range of potential funders. The project aimed to:

  1. Understand the policy environment for postvention and bereavement service response to better advocate for an expansion

  2. Articulate the population need and rationale for implementing the service model in existing and prospective PHN regions

  3. Better understand the array of organisations and programs that offer competing service models

  4. Articulate the overall value proposition of the service model to optimise the attractiveness of investing in the service model nationally

  5. Identify existing mechanisms and platforms to advocate for the continuation and expansion of the service model

  6. Develop a strategic communication plan to broadly support advocacy and engagement activities

  7. Develop content with high utility to be used in funding proposals

  8. Articulate a clear outline of the variation in service model required between a Metro and Regional setting


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