Our blog
We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors.
Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.
Welcoming Alicia Bruce, Beacon Strategies Consultant
In April this year, we welcomed Alicia Bruce to the Beacon Strategies team! It’s very exciting to have another highly capable set of hands with lots of PHN experience now settled into our team. Read on to learn more about Alicia!
5 reasons we have launched the imPact breakfast series
Impact will join up individuals working in the health, social and not-for-profit sectors to learn, connect and seek advice from each other. We envisage that the group will regularly bring together a collective of like-minded people who share a vision of a more impactful social purpose sector.
Meet our Cairns Senior Manager (Suicide Prevention), Gill Townsend
Meet our Cairns Senior Manager (Suicide Prevention), Gill Townsend. With a background in social work, community development, community education and human services, Gill is very passionate about social justice and deeply invested in work that has an impact. Read more in our Q&A.
Reviewing our Org Code — Principle #1: Clients are the reason we exist
We recently reviewed our original wording for our organisation code #1 - Clients are the reason we exist. After some very interesting discussions with our team about their take on what this principle meant to them, we revised the wording to better reflect the diversity of understanding within the team.
Key elements and principles of co-design
What is co-design and why should we use it? As discussed in our last blog, co-design is a form of human-centric design which basically means collaborating with people. Now, let's talk about the 4 key elements of co-design and guiding principles.
Using basic health economic modelling for more equitable PHN service commissioning
Using an equity based model, commissioners could better allocate resources and expectations around equitable delivery of services with their commissioned providers, monitor performance and demonstrate equitable use of resources.
Strategic Plan: April-June 2022 Report Card
It's time we take stock of what we’ve achieved this quarter, what is still in the holding bay, and what we’ll focus on this coming quarter for our five-year plan.
A reflection on my Public Health Placement at Beacon Strategies
Our Public Health student placement reflects on her time at Beacon Strategies.
May 2022 - change is in the air at Beacon Strategies.
We somehow find ourselves in May (…which is pretty damn hard to believe) and change seems to be in the air at Beacon Strategies. It is probably an understatement that there has been a lot happening for the Beacon Strategies team over the first 4-5 months of 2022.