Our blog
We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors.
Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.
Impact Measurement in the Not-for-Profit Sector: Learning from Six Varied Approaches
Impact measurement is an intriguing concept that many not-for-profit organisations are contemplating. While there's no universally accepted approach, it's worth examining how different organisations have experimented with this concept, both in the present and the past.
Co-Design: The Three Essential Elements for Success
Co-design is a powerful approach to creating solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders. below is a summary of the three essential elements for effective co-design: commitment, capability, and capital. Let’s go into more detail.
5 reasons we have launched the imPact breakfast series
Impact will join up individuals working in the health, social and not-for-profit sectors to learn, connect and seek advice from each other. We envisage that the group will regularly bring together a collective of like-minded people who share a vision of a more impactful social purpose sector.
Here are 10 projects we’ve been busy with during COVID-19
Over here at Beacon Strategies we have been been through lots of internal changes during the pandemic that we haven't had a chance to keep you updated. Not only that, we have been extremely busy on the project front and are always thinking of ways we can deliver more value to our partner organisations.
How to identify needs in your local government area
Needs assessment is a term that you have most likely heard of if you work for a local government or council. However, what exactly is it, why should you consider conducting one and what is the best approach?
What does program evaluation in the local government context look like?
With visibility comes accountability and scrutiny, and we believe that through regular evaluation, local governments can continuously improve the programs and services they deliver and generate greater impact for their communities We understand that evaluation can be an unfamiliar concept for many. So let’s get started. What type of programs and service can be evaluated in your local government?
Age-friendly communities - the role of local government
Establishing age-friendly communities which are good for all residents across the lifespan, puts local government at the forefront of being able to design and deliver services that allow residents to participate at their level of choosing within the community.
Mental health - a responsibility for local government
There is a huge opportunity to make our communities more conducive to maintaining and improving mental health, with a huge role local governments can play in achieving this. Where some councils may not have an appetite for supporting such a cause, progressive councils see mental health as very much part of their responsibility and remit.
Funders get what they ask for: the good and the bad
Do organisations that commission programs, whether it be through grants, tenders or philanthropic donations, fully appreciate the important leadership role they play in the sector? We identify a couple of activities that reflect a more proactive and deliberate approach by funders of social programs to getting the best outcomes and bringing service providers along on the journey.