Our blog
We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors.
Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.
Getting ‘Evaluation Ready’ - making it stick in your organisation
In this final post of our Evaluation Ready series, we explore a few helpful tips to make evaluation a priority within your organisation. Once you know how to put together a basic framework to guide how to do a program evaluation, the next challenge can often be making evaluation a consistent part of the work you and your colleagues do.
Getting ‘Evaluation Ready’ - how to evaluate your program in 5 steps
This simple yet structured process to evaluation can be scaled up or down depending on the size of your program or service. We specialise in supporting both funders, service providers and NGOs to evaluate their programs, whether that be planning and designing an approach, setting up data collection systems and protocols, or undertaking how program reviews lead to impactful results.
Getting ‘Evaluation Ready’ - the basics of program evaluation
A three-part blog post to support organisations plan and undertake an effective evaluation of any program that aims to create positive health, social or environmental change. This initial post introduces basic concepts in evaluation, drivers and benefits, critical evaluation skills and ethical issues when evaluating.
Age-friendly communities - the role of local government
Establishing age-friendly communities which are good for all residents across the lifespan, puts local government at the forefront of being able to design and deliver services that allow residents to participate at their level of choosing within the community.
Mental health - a responsibility for local government
There is a huge opportunity to make our communities more conducive to maintaining and improving mental health, with a huge role local governments can play in achieving this. Where some councils may not have an appetite for supporting such a cause, progressive councils see mental health as very much part of their responsibility and remit.
Designing a regional suicide prevention care pathway: where to from here?
The Suicide Prevention Care Pathway provides a huge opportunity to bring the local sector together and guide engagement and development activities into the future that build the capacity and capability of the ‘system’ to better respond to people at risk of suicide.
Making governance work in your organisation
We recently finished up some work with a client partner to refresh their clinical governance framework. Along the way, we learnt a few things that we think are worth sharing with other health and social service providers about how to make governance better serve the important work they do.
Northern Rivers Community Gateway, committed to improving practice.
Way back in August, 2017 we had mentioned that we were busy working with Northern Rivers Community Gateway (NRCG) to develop a practice and purpose framework. We know that all of you have been sitting around thinking ‘I wonder where that practice framework got to?’. Well, today is your lucky day, we are finally going to deliver on our promise of sharing said practice framework with you all.
More than just giving: How to bring corporates and NFPs together to partner for impact
The most recent estimate of the size of corporate philanthropy in Australia totalled over $17.5 billion in 2015-16. We feel the conversation is about how to bring together business leaders and charity and non-profit sector leaders (especially those organisations who do great work but aren’t savvy fundseekers) to find shared goals and work as partners to make change happen.