Northern Rivers Community Gateway, committed to improving practice.

Way back in 2017, we wrote about how we were busy working with Northern Rivers Community Gateway (NRCG) to develop an organisational practice framework.

We know that you have been sitting around thinking ‘I wonder where that practice framework got to?’. Well, today is your lucky day, where we deliver on our promise of sharing the final product with you all.

Let’s get down to business.

Click on any of the thumbnails below to have a closer look at NRCG's Purpose and Practice Framework. We'll talk more when you are done. Don't worry there are no pop quizzes afterwards.

So... I lied. Pop quiz. The million dollar question is:

Will The Purpose and Practice Framework be easy to implement, YES/NO?

The answer is... both. Alongside the development of the framework, we undertook an assessment of NRCG's maturity against each of the principles in the framework.  

YES - NRCG as an organisation is already doing a lot of what is outlined in the framework, and the practice approach is well developed; the document merely formalises the approach.

NO - We do however recognise that parts of the framework are aspirational in nature and NRCG are only in the early stages of change. This will require continued and broad-ranging organisational change. Change can be challenging but without a clearly articulated framework for how you plan, design and implement your services, it is even more difficult.

NRCG has developed the Purpose and Practice Framework to demonstrate their commitment to best practice for the clients and communities that they serve. It aims to ensure that their practice is evidence-based, responsive to the needs of the community, and has a positive social impact. It was developed through in-depth consultation with staff and management to ensure it reflects NRCG’s current strengths and future aspirations.

NRCG is committed to embedding the framework across all parts of their organisation. Successfully embedding this framework will enable NRCG to:

  • provide high quality and culturally appropriate services

  • unlock new funding opportunities

  • maintain formal accreditation

  • provide assurance to funders

  • develop the capabilities of NRCG staff

  • mobilise support within the wider community

  • demonstrate leadership within the sector

So, what guides NRCG’s practice as an organisation? Our summary of the Purpose and Practice Framework sums this up succinctly. 


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