The Beacon Strategies Org Code - what is it and why have one?

What is it and why have one?

Our Organisational Code takes a principle-based approach to outline what we value.

These principles reflect our shared expectations of ourselves and each member of the team. They reflect what we all agree is important to us and provide a point of reference to return to when needed.

Our Organisational Code describes how we enact our values.

Each principle guides our attitudes, interactions and practices that we apply to how we do our work, communicate with each other, and serve our clients.

Our Organisational Code is intended to evolve as our organisation grows and diversifies, and as we learn more about how to better work together and deliver on our mission.

We see our Organisational Code as aspirational—we will always be able to get better at applying these principles to how we do things.

Read on to learn more about each of the principles embedded within the Beacon Strategies Org Code. Each of the Beacon Strategies Org Code principles is accompanied by Beacon Strategies Directors Mitch Stalker and Elliot Parkinson discussing why the principle matters and how it came about. But first let’s start with ‘what is an org code?’.


1. Clients are the reason we exist: Everything we do links back to how we serve our client partners. We aim to delight our clients and support them to be more impactful for their sector, organisation or community —this is where our value is.

2. Teams over individuals: we value delivering ‘the work’ in teams. All of our people, when working together and with the right environment, can achieve greater things together than individually.

3. Work hard, go home: We work hard, and we all have a life outside of work too.

4. Company wins, we all win: We share accountability for our work, our brand and our future. We share the rewards when we win.

5. Work in public: We communicate and collaborate with each other publicly by default. Transparency enables effective teaming and keeps us accountable.

6. Building the plane as we fly it: We embrace that we have an operating system that is still evolving.

7. Iteration over planning and perfection: We make mistakes. Then we reflect, learn and get better. We don’t obsess over planning or perfection.

8. Be the change: We favour good judgement and role modelling over rules and dependencies. We work together to find solutions to build organisational processes when and where we need them.

9. Deliver value: If you’re doing one of these four things, you’re bringing value:

  1. mastering a technical area

  2. delivering work that delights clients

  3. supporting others to go faster and be better

  4. building and growing our brand and presence

10. No dickheads: We value people who are curious and motivated, team players, communicate well, have good judgement, make an impact, and strive to get better. We don’t value egos or those who excel but create tension with others.


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