Child and Youth Mental Health Response (Logan and Beaudesert): Brisbane South PHN
Status: Completed September 2020
Client: Brisbane South PHN
Brisbane South PHN have heard from local stakeholders and communities that there is a high demand for mental health support for children and youth in Logan and Beaudesert, but a limited availability or capacity of existing services, particularly for children under 12 years of age.
Brisbane South PHN, together with Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) of Metro South HHS, is seeking a shared understanding of issues relating to the capacity and accessibility of mental health services for children and young people in Logan and Beaudesert
Brisbane South PHN engaged Beacon Strategies in mid-2020 to identify child and youth mental health needs in the Logan and Beaudesert sub-regions and develop a collaborative and effective system response.
Our project approach involved:
An example document used in the evidence and policy review for the approach of this project.
Evidence and policy review: understand child and youth mental health service priorities, known issues and evidence-based approaches generally, including a specific consideration of the local mental health impacts arising from COVID-19.
Service mapping: Identify services and touchpoints in Logan and Beaudesert to understand supply and interconnectedness of the service provider landscape
Data analysis: Summarise the issues and needs based on population health indicators and service utilisation data at a local level
Stakeholder engagement: Understand the ‘current state’ and desired ‘future state’ for child and youth mental health services locally across age cohorts and the stepped care continuum, and for priority population groups
Future state prioritisation and recommendations: Synthesise findings to identify and prioritise potential solutions and implementation approaches.
Our project team worked with a joint steering committee with Brisbane South PHN, CYMHS and a local GP to consider the findings of the desktop research and findings of interviews with over 30 local stakeholders.
From these findings, 10 potential solutions or programs of work emerged that would contribute to better meeting the mental health needs of children and young people in Logan/Beaudesert, ranging from commissioning services to fill service gaps through to service integration and capability development initiatives.
Brisbane South PHN are now exploring and progressing the delivery of child and youth mental health services via place-based approaches collaboratively with local stakeholders and communities in the Logan and Beaudesert regions.
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