Our blog
We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors.
Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.
How to identify needs in your local government area
Needs assessment is a term that you have most likely heard of if you work for a local government or council. However, what exactly is it, why should you consider conducting one and what is the best approach?
What are Community Action Plans?
Community action plans are akin to road maps for implementing community-led change. They identify what will be done, who will do it and how it will be done. They describe exactly what a community wants to accomplish, how it will do so and the resources needed to be successful. They become a framework for implementing topic specific activities within a community, all of which are community-owned.
The momentum of community engagement
We (community development and engagement specialists) focus our efforts day in day out, trying to get people involved in community. We try to get them interested. However how can volunteer resource centres keep spontaneous community volunteers engaged and interested in volunteering when there isn't the impetus of disaster activation?
What does program evaluation in the local government context look like?
With visibility comes accountability and scrutiny, and we believe that through regular evaluation, local governments can continuously improve the programs and services they deliver and generate greater impact for their communities We understand that evaluation can be an unfamiliar concept for many. So let’s get started. What type of programs and service can be evaluated in your local government?
Disadvantage: a wicked problem
Our most vulnerable and disadvantaged Australians experience life in a vastly different way to the least disadvantaged. Right across the life course, starting from life in the womb, disadvantage exists.
6 months into our new way of working - what has changed?
Just over six months ago, Beacon Strategies started on a journey of re-discovering how our organisation works. This post shares what we’ve learnt from the changes we’ve made to our operating system—teams rule, limiting work in progress, working in sprints, retros and working in public—which have had a big impact on how we deliver high quality consulting services to our client partners.
Cairns Suicide Prevention Community Action Plan
The Beacon Strategies team (Rebecca Patterson and Mitchell Stalker) took a brief three day site visit to Cairns (Tuesday 22nd of January - Thursday 24th of January) to formally commence the the development of a suicide prevention community action plan for the region (on behalf of Northern Queensland PHN).
The First 2000 Days Framework
Primary Health Networks (PHN) and Local Health Districts (LHD)/Hospitals and Health Services (HHS) play a key role in identifying mothers and children who need specialised support and referring them onward to evidence based support programs. Strong and’ a timely impetus to buddy up and flesh out what a ‘good’ maternal and child health system could look like.
Aged Care Innovation: The Buurtzorg Model
The Buurtzorg Model has transformed community-based aged nursing in the Netherlands, at scale, to keep older adults healthy and out of hospital. But can the Buurtzorg Model be translated to the Australian context? Is it possible to reverse or better leverage the trend of an increasingly non-clinical in-home aged care workforce? How do we shift from delivering aged care services transactionally to relationally?