Introducing our new brand - a time for change

2020 was a year of immense change for all, and the team here at Beacon Strategies are excited to carry positive changes into the new year - our updated brand.

It’s been around 5 years since the Beacon Strategies story started. In that time, a few people have asked us where the name came from and ‘what’s with the lighthouse?’.

Back in the early days, we were drawn to our brand being somehow related to light. It’s an analogy that works for capturing what we do and why we exist. Light is often associated with knowledge and insight, which is very much part of what we offer organisations. We strive to be like a lighthouse guiding the way.

Light is also closely linked with the idea of what is good and right - and we are fortunate to partner with organisations across the health and social services sectors that do amazing things. 

The lighthouse has served us well but in the season of change, we felt it was time for something new while staying true to the essence of what was important to us back then.

We wanted to add a more consistent look and feel to the work we produce. We have always been about the substance, but we also recognise the importance of style and presentation.

So with that in mind, we introduce the new Beacon Strategies brand.

The design of our new logo aims to capture the concept that all good things come from ideas.

The new Beacon Strategies logo

The new Beacon Strategies logo

The colours that represent Beacon Strategies are predominantly black, white and mustard. We were drawn to this pallet because it is clean, simple and reflects who we aspire to be. Progressive, bright, clear and a little bit of fun - without being corporate, stuffy or tacky.

We’re excited about all that is to come in 2021 and beyond for our team and our partner organisations, and being able to communicate all of this through an engaging and recognisable brand. We hope you like it as much as we do.

Like the new brand? Want to see more of it? Head over to our socials where we regularly keep you updated on sector trends, our processes and our projects…check it out!


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