Evaluation of Gumbi Gumbi Withdrawal Service: Central Queensland, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast PHN

Status: Completed 2019

Client: Central Queensland, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast PHN


The Gumbi Gumbi AOD Withdrawal Management Service is a program commissioned by the Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast PHN (the PHN) and delivered by Gumbi Gumbi Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation that aims to increase availability of alcohol and other drug (AOD) withdrawal management services in the Central Queensland region. Specific objectives of the program include:

  1. establish and implement an AOD Withdrawal Management Service within the Central Queensland region, in particular the Rockhampton area;

  2. promote better health outcomes by increasing availability and access to locally and culturally appropriate non-complex residential and community based Drug and Alcohol withdrawal services;

  3. increase the capacity and capability of the local workforce to respond to Drug and Alcohol issues in the Rockhampton area; and

  4. promote linkages with broader Indigenous and non-Indigenous health services, including mental health services, to support integrated / coordinated treatment and referral pathways to people with co-morbid health conditions.

The service model was a recommendation from a feasibility study undertaken in 2017 by Queensland Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (QNADA) and commissioned by the PHN. Commencing in mid-2018, the service model enables access to specialist community AOD detoxification services through funding for a multi-disciplinary team to deliver intake and assessment, residential and outpatient withdrawal management, and transition to AOD rehabilitation services.

In March 2019, the PHN engaged Beacon Strategies to undertake an evaluation of the outcomes of the Gumbi Gumbi Withdrawal Service against the program’s stated objectives.


The objectives of this evaluation project are to:

  • develop an agreed evaluation plan to determine evaluation scope and guide evaluation activities (evaluation plan)

  • measure the program’s achievement of outcomes against its stated objectives (data collection and analysis)

  • report back to the PHN and other relevant stakeholders on the evaluation findings and relevant considerations relating to future delivery of the service model (reporting and recommendations).

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