Co-Design: The Three Essential Elements for Success

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Co-design is a powerful approach to creating solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders. below is a summary of the three essential elements for effective co-design: commitment, capability, and capital.

Commitment: A Key Ingredient in Co-Design Success

For a co-design process to be successful, commitment is crucial. This includes a commitment from funders, executive management, key stakeholders, and clinical leaders, as well as the co-design team and participants. A successful co-design process recognises and values the contributions and experiences of consumers and people with lived experience. This means that everyone involved in the process must be committed to seeing it through to implementation.

Capability: Skilled Facilitation is Key

To deliver a successful co-design process, the team must have the necessary expertise and skills. This includes experienced and skilled facilitators who can create a positive, safe, and productive environment for co-design team members. The facilitator's role is to manage power dynamics to ensure everyone's perspectives are heard and valued. Depending on the topic, a trauma-informed approach may be necessary.

Capital: Co-Design is a Long-Term Game

Co-design is a long-term game with costs involved. It's essential to have the necessary financial resources to support the process, including paying participants and covering other expenses.

By ensuring that these three elements are in place, organisations can create solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders and achieve their desired outcomes.


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