Making our way through uncertainty

Well it’s been quite a couple of months

Like many organisations, the uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation and the pace at which it unfolded left many of us scrambling to explore how to go remote and digital quickly, and to try and re-calibrate our business models for survival and sustainability.

First of all, we’ve been sitting back and admiring the organisations and people from our sector who are working tirelessly on the ‘frontlines’ in keeping people healthy, safe and well. If nothing else, the situation will hopefully mean that the value that our world-leading health system and social safety net have are appreciated that little bit more by all of us.

For us, we have had to make some difficult decisions—both as an organisation and personally—to scale back our small team and say farewell to valued colleagues. We thank the team for being a part of the Beacon journey and look forward to staying connected.

As we start to look ahead to the other side of the crisis, we have been reflecting a lot on what we do and how we do it, to explore how we can create even better experiences and insights for our partner organisations.

We are genuinely excited about the opportunity to build around what we do well—which is supporting organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate what they do through our relational approach. And we’re excited about the opportunity to partner with other experts across the health and social services sectors and broaden our capability and service offering.

As the world returns to something a little more like normal, we’re looking forward to getting back into the rhythm of sharing information and insights drawn from our work, and highlighting the incredible impact that people and organisations are making across the health and social services sectors.

In the meantime, we hope all of you are staying healthy, learning and growing from the adversity. And most importantly, taking care of yourselves, family, friends and colleagues.


Mitch and Elliot


Would disadvantage still exist if we had all the physical foundations to thrive?


We’re keeping our distance but very much open for business!