Central and Eastern Sydney
Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Workforce Development Initiative
Central and Eastern Sydney PHN (CESPHN) has engaged Beacon Strategies to deliver the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Workforce Development Initiative (SPLEWDI).
SPLEWDI is a regional approach to developing a capable, supported and connected workforce of people in designated Lived Experience workforce roles across Central and Eastern Sydney.
This page provides information for people who are interesting in participating in or learning more about SPLEWDI — over time, you will be able to:
learn more about the background of the project, including the rationale for a regionally-specific and coordinated approach to supporting the Suicide Prevention lived Experience workforce
meet who is involved
find out about current activities and opportunities
connect with our network for updates and communication
About the project
In 2023, CESPHN undertook consultation that identified that the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience workforce in the Central and Eastern Sydney region requires more support and development than is currently available.
Consultation findings indicated that a coordinated approach to collectively support, grow, and develop this workforce is what’s needed — which will ultimately lead to better experiences for people experiencing emotional distress and who are accessing suicide prevention services and support.
The project involves development of an action plan in collaboration with the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience (SP LE) workforce in the Central and Eastern Sydney region. The action plan will include workforce development activities to be delivered through until mid-2025 (e.g. professional development opportunities such as training or resource development).
Our team is currently undertaking a review of evidence-based resources and frameworks to help inform our approach and build a shared understanding of the needs of the SP LE workforce, strategic opportunities, and similar approaches that have been delivered elsewhere.
We plan to share a summary of the findings of this work on this page soon — stay tuned!
Current activities or opportunities
SPLEWDI Regional Forum
Registrations are open to join us at the Regional Forum to develop the ‘Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Workforce Development Action Plan’ for the Central and Eastern Sydney region.
Are you interested in informing the workforce development activities to be delivered in the region as part of the SPLEWDI? We invite you to participate in a collaborative forum focused on developing the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Workforce Development Action Plan for the Central and Eastern Sydney region.
About the Forum
This event will provide an overview of the SPLEWDI, including the context and objectives of the initiative. Participants will then work together to explore potential activities for the Action Plan and how these might be implemented between now and June 2025.
Who should attend?
We are seeking participation from individuals in the following roles within the Central and Eastern Sydney region:
people working as part of the suicide prevention Lived Experience workforce
people working in other relevant roles within the suicide prevention service system (who may or may not have lived experience of suicide), including those who oversee or support the suicide prevention Lived Experience workforce.
Event details
Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2024
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Venue: Newtown Neighbourhood Centre - 11-13 Darley Street, Newtown, NSW 2042
After the forum, we invite you to stay for a light lunch and networking.
Register now
Secure your spot by registering here. Space is limited to 40 participants, so please register as soon as possible. A waiting list will be available once we reach capacity.
Non-salaried participants who are not attending as part of their paid employment will be eligible to be paid for their time attending the forum.
If you have any questions about the forum, please reach out to the project team at Beacon Strategies - nicoleg@beaconstrategies.net
Online survey
We invite you to participate in a survey to share your perspective on the most important workforce development activities to be included in the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Workforce Development Action Plan.
Who should participate?
We want to hear from people who:
work as part of the suicide prevention Lived Experience workforce in the Central and Eastern Sydney region
work in relevant roles within the suicide prevention service system in the Central and Eastern Sydney region (who may or may not have lived experience of suicide), including people working in roles that oversee or support the suicide prevention Lived Experience workforce.
About the survey
This short online survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete, will ask for your input on several workforce development themes identified through initial consultations with the Guiding Coalition. The survey will ask you about:
The types of activities that could be delivered for each workforce development theme
The most important workforce development opportunities to prioritise.
Your survey responses will remain anonymous and will be collected by Beacon Strategies. Survey responses will be analysed and summaried to help inform the activities to be further scoped at the upcoming SPLEWDI Regional Forum (see below for more information about the forum and how to register).
The survey will close at midnight on Wednesday 25 September 2024.
How to participate
To complete the survey, visit this link.
If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to our project team at nicoleg@beaconstrategies.net
The Guiding Coalition has been established and scoping activities to inform the initiative are underway.
We recently completed an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to establish the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Workforce Coalition (the ‘Coalition’). As the project’s advisory group, the Coalition will guide the initiative over the next 12 months. The primary role of the Coalition will be to collaboratively develop the action plan, oversee the roll out of activities within the action plan, and advise on the allocation of available funding to resource these activities.
We have welcomed 9 representatives to the Coalition who bring experience working in SP LE roles in the Central and Eastern Sydney region.
Want to stay connected?
If you’d like to join our contact list and stay updated about activities happening as part of SPLEWDI, please register your details using this form:
Note: Please rest assured that we will only use your contact details for the purpose of communicating with you as part of this project. You can easily unsubscribe by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any of the emails we send to you.
This project is an initiative of Beacon Strategies, with support from Central and Eastern Sydney PHN.